For Rent : Helicopter Bell – 427 (VIP design, Multi Engine) (Price List)

1.      Type of product                    : Helicopter Bell – 427 (VIP design, Multi Engine)


2.      Capacity                                : 2 (two) crews dan 5 (five) passengers


3.      Fuel                                        : 770 liter


4.      Maximum per flight               : +/- 2 (two) hours per flight + 30 minutes reserve


5.      Price                          :


a)     With passenger fee                         : USD 1,800 per hour flight

b)     Mobilisation-Demobilisation fee    : USD 1,500 per hour

c)      RON fee                                            : USD    600 per night

d)     Ground handling                               : USD    100


Note :

q       Price is not included PPN 10 %

q       Minimum charge is 2 hours hiring

q       Order is booking 1 week before departure and pay 50 % from total estimation price.

q       The total payment should be done 1 day before departure.

q       If there's one/more night stay, all the crew accommodation fee should be paid by charterer.

q       If there's flight cancellation by charterer, the charterer should pay 30 % for the cancellation.

q       If the flight can not be done because of technical reason (bad weather, etc), we'll done re-scheduling at another day and if the charterer disagree for re-scheduling, we pay back all the payment that we've received.

CP: Eko & Wahyu

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